Friday, March 28, 2008

About Joe Rinehart

About Joe Rinehart

In a nutshell, I have an extensive background with Internet ecommerce solutions which precede the commercialism of the Internet. I'm very proud of that fact and chances are, more than you wish to know about me is within or linked from this web site. I've included both my professional e-commerce and personal family information on this web site to make it easier for people to contact me.

There are several ways my last name can be misspelled include: Reinhart, Rhinehart, Rinehardt, Rineheart, Rhineheart, Reinhardt, however, the surname I was born with is Rinehart.

I encourage you to register for an account on my web site so that you might participate in contributing links and news items in addition to being the first to receive news about my family, friends, peers, clients, and I.

If you don't wish to have an account, then you may be interested in subscribing to my RSS news feeds for the periodic articles I've been known to write although you'd also be receiving information about my personal life.

I have so much information about me and articles I've written at URL: and the company I founded before the Internet was commercial at URL: http://www.Config.Com that you'll be reading a while ;)